Six months at Selwyn by the Sea…

Each day we give thanks for living in this beautiful village on the coast of the Waitemata Harbour in Point Chevalier – Rangi Mata Rau.  We hope to learn more of the Maori history of the land as time goes on.

Our third floor apartment, 532 Caswell, is on the north-west corner of the site, with wide views on two sides. The building is named after City Missioner, Reverend Douglas Caswell, who in 1949 raised finance to buy a 25 acre block of land to create accommodation for older members of the community.  What foresight he had!

Selwyn Village is set in park-like grounds, with colourful gardens and and mature trees, and fringed with old pohutukawa on the coast.  It’s at the end of  a no-exit road, so very quiet.

Staff and residents are varied and mostly cheerful, including a good bunch of lesbians (some affectionately called by their neighbours “the get-up-and-go-girls”).  There are over 30 interest and activity groups in which residents can participate.  We have both joined a modern gym with green machines, and a Tai Chi class. 

Tanya has joined the Green Team, recently initiated by some of the dykes, and working towards Selwyn becoming a Climate Positive Village with sustainable composting and recycling systems.  Charmaine has joined a choir, and also frequents the library, which is well-stocked and varied.

Tanya’s Cloudscapes

The rhythmic tidal waters of the the Waitemata, and ever-changing cloudscapes, are our daily companions, along with the land and sea birds flying close by our deck and windows.

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  1. Wendy Earles says

    You two! Simply the best ?
    I smile when I think of you in your fabulous apartment with magnificent views. Thanks for that spur of the moment visit to see where you have settled, thrilled you have the best spot and you’re not the only guys in tge village! ❤?️‍?

  2. Julia Wolfrum says

    Dear Tanya and Charmaine,
    it s such a long time ago that I had the chance to stay in your farm Earthtalk as a wwoofer.
    In 2003/2004 the three of us: Frauke Picht, Luka Bergendahl and me – were working with you, enjoying the communication and thought exchange, having yummy meals and celebrating together with other “lovely lesbians” the women s day!
    It is a very great pleasure to me to still read your newsletter!!
    Seeing you in the middle of a bunch of dykes:-)
    Thank you.
    Take good care of you,
    with love
    Julia Wolfrum

  3. It looks wonderful, and you have good company. I’ve been wondering how you are in your new environment and am delighted that it suits you so well. I’m sure you are soaking up the peace and quiet. The Selwyn library has just bought my book ‘Spirited Ageing’. I hope they have my other books too, especially ‘The Pomegranate Journal.’

  4. Itsuko + Takashi Kakemizu says

    Wow!! we are super bloody excited to see your new settlement!!
    Looks beautiful….. and I am always amazed by your positive attitude to see and discover lovely things around you.
    Feeling sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy!!

  5. Lesley Fitzgerald says

    I have just finished Penelope Lively’s wonderful book “Ammonites and Leaping Fish”. She talks about how in old age we have the time and experience for the “luxurious appreciation of the world”
    I do believe that you two are doing that par excellence. Good on you!
    Arohanui from Lesley and Jenny

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