Living in Level One …Catching Up with Whanau, Friends and Photos..

…at Orua Bay

Our government’s success in managing Covid-19 has meant we were able to move from Rahui Level 3 to  Level 2 on 14 May, and to Level 1  (life as “normal” except for closed national borders) at midnight on Monday 8 June.

Emerging from Rahui Level 3 enabled us to spend a few days of blissful sunshine and still water on the Awhitu Peninsula at Orua Bay, and catch up with a range of friends too.

On our way to Orua Bay we had lunch with kaumatua George Flavell, who was full of praise for the way Piritania Minhinnick had organised support for Ngaati Te Ata elders and whanau during the rahui.  He also told us about the TV programme involving  Ngaati Te Ata iwi  expressing their anxieties about the government’s plan to override the Resource Management Act for two years . This was shown on TV3’s The Hui on 24 May and reported on Facebook and Newshub:

A lunch at our tiny rented beach cottage with Alison and Steve, now owners of our former earthtalk property, followed by a family dinner at their place later in the week, filled us with delight at how much the family enjoy living at 60 Kauri Road.  We love the improvements Steve has made to the house, and the delicious uses Alison is making of produce from the orchards we planted 30 years ago and the productive garden she is managing. 

In Ranui we caught up for lunches with Lema – now official Ranui community garden manager, and her daughter Amani, who is a nurse in the respiratory ward at North Shore Hospital.  It has been a frightening experience for all the nursing staff, Amani told us, but they have given one another lots of  support.

Back in the central city we’ve had meals locally with longtime friends Rosemary and Deb, Janfrie and Susan, Sylvia from Paekakariki, Yuki from Earthsong, and Nicky, who worked with us at earthtalk

Farida enjoying her birthday bouquets

Tanya and Charmaine after delicious lunch..

On  Saturday 13 June we joined a feast with our Shakti friends for Farida’s birthday, at her home with Shila in the Waitakeres.






And on Auckland Photography Day Tanya  snapped a few shots  of Auckland  –   the changing face of the city-  from her bike…

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